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Baotian Scooter Service & Repair Manuals

Learn how to fix your Baotian scooter the easy way with a repair manual. From routine maintenance to DIY engine repairs, our step-by-step walkthroughs take the stress out of servicing your scooter. Fully illustrated with easy-to-follow diagrams and photographs, every scooter manual offers the complete guide to troubleshooting and tuning your moped.

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>Boatian is a relatively young Chinese scooter manufacturer that was founded in 1994, and exports their scooters to more than 100 countries. The brand has been widely cited for their quality workmanship and unique designs, resulting in their scooters appealing to a younger market. The Citibike 125 is especially aimed at city driving, with a contemporary design and optional detachable box.

Among the most popular Boatian scooter models are the BT49QT and the BT50QT, with the latter being the third bestselling two-wheeler in 2009. Haynes has a selection of Baotian repair manuals available, allowing you to perform your own services and engine repairs from the ground up. All of our manuals are written by experts with first-hand teardown and rebuild experience, and come complete with all the technical guidance you need.