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What is Haynes OnDemand?

What is Haynes OnDemand?

2 minute read

Haynes OnDemand is our new video service for people who have a specific job or problem they want to fix on their car.

Each of these all-new tutorials are based on our trusted market-leading manuals and carried out by our fully qualified mechanics who have years of expertise and experience.

Better than YouTube

Just like our cars, our videos are filmed and edited by professionals. What’s more, they are designed so you can work at your own pace.

Haynes OnDemand video provides you with an in-depth visual tutorial, as if the mechanic was in the garage with you and also providing the same step-by-step instructions on how to perform the job at hand that you get in our manuals!

You'll discover common fixes such as replacing brake pads, struts, coolant, alternators are all possible with the OnDemand video guides.

To further help you along, each video features a descriptive audio track explaining each step of every procedure.

All of our videos are shot in Full HD in our workshop, and our coverage spans more than 1,000 vehicles.

Save money

When you buy one of our OnDemand video tutorials for $3.99 (or $12.99 for your car’s complete set) you do so not only with the confidence of our 50 years’ experience behind you, but with the satisfaction that you’ll be saving hundreds in garage fees.

Haynes OnDemand is also fully mobile and available on all devices: perfect for the first-timer and even the more experienced hand at car DIY.

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